
With a 100-year corporate history, BKS Bank AG is a traditional full-service bank headquartered in Klagenfurt, Austria. It operates banking and leasing business in Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia.


  • BKS Bank customers could only choose between the contact form, telephone or e-mail for questions. The website offered no self-service options and no chatbot causing longer waiting times for customers.
  • The customer support on its banking website was not very user-friendly and required a download on the customer side, which was often blocked, especially by business customers.
  • Support quickly reached its limits with many requests, as processing capacity was limited by the number of service staff.


TeamViewer Engage for Digital Customer Service provides BKS Bank with a solution that could be quickly integrated into the online channel and meets the high regulatory requirements in the banking industry. At BKS Bank, a chatbot processes customer inquiries via the website, relieving employees and reducing costs. In sales, the co-browsing feature enables visual context during consultations, improving communication.


Increased employee productivity and reduced waiting times in customer service

Available around the clock, 365 days a year, at any time

Simplified communication thanks to the integration of TeamViewer Engage into the BKS Bank website