
From its base in Bowling Green, Kentucky, LobbyFox produces highly-customizable, fully-managed software systems to automate and control guest reception, particularly in manufacturing facilities throughout the country.


  • With a workforce of just 20 serving numerous clients in locations all over North America, the tasks of keeping customer kiosks up-to-date, running properly, and adapted to evolving client needs would require LobbyFox to hire a significant number of new technicians if that work had to be done at the customer’s site
  • Getting on the phone with customers and trying to explain how to resolve an issue with their system could easily require an hour of staff time. A local in-person visit would cost a minimum of $250. Hiring a contractor would cost closer to $2,500. None of these options are financially sustainable, or operationally scalable
  • When problems do occur, customers unfamiliar with the system would frequently mis-diagnose the issue, slowing its ultimate resolution


With TeamViewer Tensor, LobbyFox can free its customers from maintenance and repair responsibilities, while providing a variety of other valuable benefits as well.

Tyler Pedigo Chief Financial Officer at LobbyFox

“Twenty minutes worth of work by our technical team here is the equivalent of $2,500 worth of contractor visits and days of planning, to do the exact same thing.”