Frontline Command Center 

  • Added: Permissions list of selected Roles can now be exported from Access Management  
  • Added: Error Reporting now has Search functionality, faster loading, and Device ID 
  • Improved: Arabic, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian language support 
  • Improved: The device list can now be resized in Device Monitoring  
  • Fixed: Issue where keycloak did not work on multi-domain servers 
  • Fixed: Issue where login cards could not be generated correctly for users with special characters in their name 
  • Upcoming: Error report generated by Frontline Connector will display the username 
  • Upcoming: Users with Admin roles will be able to configure their domain by Preferences and activate them instantly  


  • Added: Error can be reported from mobile browsers. Long press, with two fingers to open the Error Reporting modal  
  • Added: Ability to rename an image from Files in Call Settings
  • Added:  Incoming call notifications are visible on the lock screen
  • Improved: Service Reports can now be created in Call History  
  • Improved: User experience for call settings 
  • Improved: User experience for call management web UI   
  • Improved: User experience for call management group settings   
  • Improved: Users can edit, copy and delete planned calls  
  • Improved: SMS and Email notifications 
  • Improved: Detailed Quality Graphs are available on the Debug Mode accessible by web experts during an Ongoing Call 
  • Improved: During a call, experts will be able to caption images and simplify the call documentation 
  • Fixed: Issue where call invitation hyperlinks did not open the call in the application  
  • Fixed: Issue where downloaded PDF files were named incorrectly  
  • Fixed: Issue where guest call participants had different avatars in Call History and Service Reports  
  • Fixed: Issue where the video stream was not switched off when a user sharing their screen leaves the call 
  • Fixed: Issue where avatars for deleted users in call history did not appear correctly
  • Fixed: Issue where guest participants were displayed twice in Service Reports  
  • Fixed: Issue where Planned Calls could not be restarted if the organizer accidentally started the call earlier  
  • Upcoming: In-Call Settings option will be available for mobile browsers 
  • Upcoming: Ability to choose a transparent or solid background for Debug UI to ensure privacy 
  • Upcoming: Service Report status done will now be in green, instead of red 
  • Upcoming: Web Expert’s status will be displayed as 'Busy' when they deny a call while they are on another call 


  • Added: Proglove Mark 2 scanner is now supported in Generic Picking
  • Added: Short Pick is now available as Process Exceptions in Generic Picking   
  • Upcoming: Time tracking for the complete picking process including preparation, post-processing, and interruptions will be possible within the generic workflow  
  • Upcoming: Actual picked amount column will be included in the results excel sheet 

Make / Inspect

  • Added: New permissions introduced to improve data security by adding possibilities to limit workflow export/import functionality and display task duration in the task list  
  • Improved: Task status is now renamed from Ongoing to In Progress 
  • Fixed: Issue where tasks filtered by status were not displayed correctly  
  • Fixed: Issue where saving an edited template displayed a wrong notification 

Frontline Creator 

  • Improved: Object detection inference component on Frontline Creator  
  • Fixed: Issue where workflows could not be published due to predefined interaction buttons  


  • Improved: User experience for home screen  
  • Improved: Only models with assets are now displayed on the Frontline Creator 

Frontline Workplace for Smart Glasses

  • Added: Proglove connectivity and pairing is now supported
  • Improved: Error can now be reported by Spanish users using the voice command “Reportar Error”  
  • Fixed: Issue where error reporting for offline devices was not possible 
  • Upcoming: Frontline Workplace support for Rokid Glass 2, Rokid X-Craft and Moziware

Frontline Workplace for Android SmartPhone 

  • Added: Ability to capture images for guest users on mobile browsers 
  • Fixed: Issue where Save Environment button was labeled incorrectly

Frontline Workplace for iOS 

  • Fixed: Issue where environment settings could not be saved and displayed a wrong error message 
  • Fixed: Issue where snapshots sent by a web user had wrong captions
  • Fixed: Issue where SmartGlass users did not receive a notification when an iOS user leaves the call  
  • Fixed: Issue where iOS users cannot join an Ongoing Call  


Frontline Spatial 

  • Added: Support for tasks, which are published workflows assigned to users from the FCC 
  • Added: Support for templates, which are published workflows assigned to users from the FCC and can be easily started or repeated 
  • Added: Settings menu in Spatial Workplace HoloLens application to organize the actions that a user can perform from the main menu. 
  • Added: Toast notifications to the Live Editor for autosave and workflow uploads 
  • Added: Available model previews of the objects to be scanned for tracking tasks 
  • Improved: Users can use all parts and assemblies of a model in their object trackers
  • Improved: Users can now disable far interaction through the settings menu  
  • Improved: All workplace applications now support non-Latin characters 
  • Fixed: Issue where tasks created with the Spatial workflow type were not displayed.
  • Fixed: Issue where Error reports were not stored locally while the device is offline and synchronized with the server when connectivity resumed 


Frontline Windows 

  • Fixed: Issue where wrong notification appeared after screen recording
  • Fixed: Issue where the user's camera is turned off when a one-to-one call is changed to a conference call.
  • Fixed: Issue where clicking the Snapshot button renames the video button on the web
  • Fixed: Issue where the application crashed when a user is added via the Share Invite link
  • Fixed: Issue where Whiteboard background was not updated when multiple screenshots were captured
  • Fixed: Issue where annotated images were still displayed after the user stopped sharing
  • Fixed: Issue where adding a participant to a one-to-one call crashed the application
  • Fixed: Issue where leaving a conference call stopped broadcasting the video streams and displayed a black screen