Learn how to apply your customization to an already installed module via script.

This article applies to Corporate and Tensor license holders who want to deploy TeamViewer (13.2 or newer) on their Windows devices.

How to apply your customization to an installed module

While being connected to the Internet

To apply your customization to an installed module while being connected to the Internet, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the Command Prompt (CMD).
  2. Navigate to the TeamViewer installation folder.
    • (Per default, it should be: %Program Files(x86)%\TeamViewer or %Program Files%\TeamViewer)
  3. Enter the following command into the command line:
    • TeamViewer.exe customize --id paste_your_customization_id_here
  4. Confirm with Enter.

While not being connected to the Internet

To apply your customization to an installed module while not being connected to the Internet, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the custom config .zip file from the following URL:
    • https://configdl.teamviewer.com/configs/<customconfig id>.zip
    • Please replace <customconfig id> with the CUSTOMCONFIG you obtained in Step 2.
  2. Open the Command Prompt (CMD)
  3. Navigate to the TeamViewer installation folder
    • (Per default, it should be: %Program Files(x86)%\TeamViewer or %Program Files%\TeamViewer)
  4. Enter the following command into the command line:
    • TeamViewer.exe customize --path path_to_customization_ZIP
  5. Confirm with Enter

In both methods, customization will be applied to your module.

The visual changes (logo, color, textual changes, disclaimer, and terms & conditions) will be visible after a restart. If you have used the optional parameter --restart-gui the TeamViewer client will automatically be restarted.

Main parameters

--id <customization_id>

Specifies the customization via the respective ID retrieved from the Management Console.

🚨 Cannot be combined with --path.

--path <path_to_zip>

Instead of using --id, you can specify the customization zip file. UNC paths are also accepted. The user executing the command needs access rights to that path.

🚨 Cannot be combined with --id


This parameter restarts the TeamViewer client. The restart applies the visual changes of the given customization (logo, color, textual changes, disclaimer, and terms & conditions).


This option removes an already applied customization if there is any. Without this option, the second customization would fail otherwise.

You can already specify the following customization via --id or --path to be applied after the removal has finished.

Error codes

Error codes Description Problem/Solution


Invalid command line arguments

There is an issue with the command line arguments. Check the used options to see if they can be combined or if there is a typing error. The TeamViewer log file may contain more information about this issue.


An internal error occurred

The processing of the custom configuration failed with an unspecific error. See the TeamViewer log files for more details.


The current user was denied access

You need to have administrative rights to execute the Customization. Retry with a user who has administrative rights.


The download of the custom configuration timed out

Check the Firewall if it is blocking access to TeamViewer servers.


Invalid module

The given file was made for a different type of TeamViewer client. For example, you can only use Host custom configuration files for TeamViewer Host


Restart of the GUI failed

The GUI did not start as requested by the "--restart-gui" option. Try to restart the GUI manually.


Custom configuration failed

While applying the custom configuration, an error occurred. See the TeamViewer log files for more details and check if the custom configuration is still valid.


Removal of custom configuration failed

While trying to remove the custom configuration, an error occurred. See the TeamViewer log files for more details.