In this article, we'll explain how to get started with your Remote Access license.

We will talk about local and remote devices. In a typical home office situation:

  • The local device is the computer at home
  • The remote device is the computer in the office

This article applies to all TeamViewer Remote customers who have purchased a Remote Access license.

Step 1: Activate the Remote Access license on your TeamViewer account

Important note for customers who purchased via the webshop after the 20th of March 2024: If you are a new customer and don't have a TeamViewer account, you will only have to set up a password after clicking the Confirm account button in the order confirmation e-mail. This will automatically create your TeamViewer account and activate the license. Once this step is done, you can jump to Step 2.

The first step is to activate the Remote Access license on your TeamViewer account. To do so, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Check your inbox and open the e-mail called Your TeamViewer License Activation.
  2. Next to TeamViewer Remote Access, click on the ACTIVATE link. You will be redirected to the sign in page.
    • If you already have an account:
      1. Sign in with your TeamViewer credentials. Once you have signed in, you will be redirected to the activation page.
      2. Click the Activate button.
    • If you haven't created an account yet:
      1. Click Sign Up.
      2. Enter your email address and name, and create a password.
      3. Read and accept the EULA and mark the captcha box. Once you have signed in, you will be redirected to the activation page.
      4. Click the Activate button. For more information on how to create an account, please check this article.
  3. A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click Continue.
  4. Enter a company name (if not applicable, you can also simply enter your name, for example) and click Save and continue.

You have successfully activated your Remote access license on your TeamViewer account.

Step 2: Install the TeamViewer full client on your remote device

The second step is to install the TeamViewer full client on your remote device. To do so, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the TeamViewer full client from our download page:
  2. Access your Download file and open the downloaded TeamViewer file: TeamViewer_Setup.exe
  3. Click Next to start the installation.
  4. Once the installation is done, tick the box I accept the EULA and the DPA and click Continue.

You have successfully installed the TeamViewer full client.

Step 3: Activate the Remote Access license for the remote device

After installing the full TeamViewer client on your remote device, you can activate the Remote Access license. Follow the instructions based on whether you have physical access to your remote devices or not.

  1. On your remote device, open the TeamViewer full client.
  2. Sign in to your TeamViewer account.
  3. Go to Home.
  4. Under Remote access devices, click Add device.
  5. Select Set up remote access on this device and click Continue.
  6. Give your remote device a name (for example "Laptop work") and click Add this device.

You have successfully activated your remote device.

Please repeat this process for all of your remote devices.

Hint: If you already added devices to your device list, you can activate your remote devices as follows:

  1. Go to Home and click Add device.
  2. Select the Choose device to activate remote access and click Continue.
  3. Select the device(s) you want to activate and click Add devices.

If you have filled up all your device slots and need to deactivate a remote device, click the three dots icon next to the activated device and click Deactivate remote access.

Note: Deactivating and re-activating a licensed device counts as one device move. With Remote Access, you receive a certain number of free device moves each calendar month. The number of free moves corresponds to the total number of licensed devices included in your Remote Access plan.

For example:

  • If you have 3 licensed devices in your license, you are entitled to 3 free device moves every month.

Now, choose the appropriate instructions based on whether your remote device is assigned to your TeamViewer account or not.

Note: At some point in the process, you'll need someone on the remote side to give you the TeamViewer random password of the remote device. Activating your Remote access license without the remote device's random password is not possible.

  1. Go to the Home menu.
  2. Within the Remote access devices section, click Add device.
  3. If your remote device is already bookmarked, you can ignore this step and go to step 5.
    Click Bookmark a device and click Continue.
  4. Enter the name and the TeamViewer ID of your remote device and click Bookmark device.
  5. Go back to the Home menu.
  6. Within the Remote access devices section, click Add device.
  7. Click Choose device to activate remote access and click Continue.
  8. Select the device you just added and click Add devices.
  9. Now, ask someone on the remote side to provide you with the random password that is displayed on the remote device's TeamViewer interface.
  10. Click Connect, enter the password, and click Log On.
  11. Now that you are connected to your remote device, click the Dashboard button, click Device Management, and click Open TeamViewer options.
  12. In the General tab, scroll down to the Manage this device section and click Manage this device.
  13. Sign in with your TeamViewer account and click the Assign button.
  14. Once completed, the device will be added to your managed devices list.
  1. Open the TeamViewer full client on your local device.
  2. Go to Home.
  3. Under Remote access devices, click Add device.
  4. Select the Choose device to activate remote access and click Continue.
  5. Select the device(s) you want to activate and click Add devices.

You have successfully activated your Remote Access license on your remote device.

Please repeat this process for each remote device you want to connect to.

Step 4: Connect to your remote devices

You have successfully activated your Remote Access license on your remote device(s). You can now connect to them. To do so, please follow the video or the instructions below:

  1. On your local device, sign in to your TeamViewer account using the TeamViewer full client or via
  2. Go to the Home menu.
  3. Click the Connect button of the respective remote device you want to connect to.

You are now connected to your remote device.

Hint: You can also connect to your remote device from the Device menu.