The menu bar which is located at the top of the workspace, provides users with to access the functionalities listed below.
A Spatial project is a file created in Spatial Editor that stores the information about the 3D model in use along with markers, pins, and other content added to it.
The supported formats are:
Note: The models of formats .gltf and .fbx can be imported with diffuse textures (base color) the Spatial Editor software can visualize these textures. Also if the parts or models of these formats are made visible in the workflow, these textures would also be visible when the workflow is running on the Spatial Workplace app.
Project files are created in the Frontline Spatial Editor and contain information about the 3D model in use, along with the markers, pins, and content added to it. The projects can be saved locally in the form of a .v3pproj file. To do so:
To export the model:
2. Choose the desired output file format:
3. Select the appropriate details according to your needs:
For more information on the connection status, please see the Server Connection section for the Workplace app.
Workflow files contain the components of a workflow, which are basically a set of pins that portray information over a real component, e.g. a machine. Additionally, at least one marker (or other spatial references) is added to the workflow to enable the correct positioning of the pins over the real component.
Note: A workflow does not keep information about the reference CAD model itself (so no context and project settings are stored within a workflow).
To export workflow files:
3. The user can select the preferred device for the upload and click on Export.
4. After the upload has been completed, the user can see the template in the template list of their selected device.
Note: This template has no connection to the FCC account of the user and only exists on this device. Every time the user clicks on this template, a task will be created from it on the same device, but the status of its execution will not be shared with FCC. The user works entirely local. As a result, the user can also delete the directly uploaded workflow from the device by clicking on the corresponding button that appears next to it in the template list.
Frontline 4.33 requires users to reupload their workflows to remain compatible. Before following the steps to do that, please make sure that your local files are ready and that Spatial Editor is on version 4.33:
Create a backup of the project file. (optional but recommended)
Locate your project in your Windows File Explorer and open your project in Spatial Editor (v4.33)
Save it with a new name (e.g. editor_project1_BACKUP.v3pproj).
Update Spatial Editor to 4.33.
Open the original project file, the non-backup, (e.g. editor_project1.v3pproj) in Spatial Editor (v4.33).
Wait until fully opened and then Export to FCC.
In Spatial Workplace, all assignments happen based on user accounts. A task or template is assigned to a user via FCC, which makes them available for the user to view on any device after they have signed in to Spatial Workplace. For more information on how to assign previously created templates to other users and how to further manage them, please see the Templates section of the Solutions guide.
Workflow Language is the language that appears in the UI of the Editor, which appears in the inspectors of the pins, and in the connections for a particular workflow. It appears everywhere where there is a string in the workflow inside Spatial Editor. This is the default language for all tasks that originate from this particular workflow.
Users can extract all the strings present in a workflow in a CSV file and get them translated by an external translator or translate the strings themselves in the CSV file outside Spatial Editor. This will allow reusability of the same workflow in different locations.
Note: Current additional workflow languages are German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese Simplified Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean.
To translate the present strings in a workflow:
In order to display the CSV file correctly, the user should uncheck the Use system separators box in Excel (File -> Options -> Advanced). The user should then configure the default Decimal Separator as comma (,) and Thousands Separator as period (.).
In the file, the first column contains string IDs. The second column has the existing strings in the chosen Workflow Language, and the rest of the columns represent other languages.
These additional language columns will be empty for untranslated strings. Users must translate these strings on their own or hire an external service.
4. After getting the file translated, go back to Spatial Editor.
Note: the CSV file needs to be saved and closed before it can be imported.
5. Click on Language from the toolbar.
6. Click on Import CSV.
7. Upload the new file.
⇒ The additional languages are added to the workflow.
Note: While the workflow is running in Spatial Workplace, the application will continue the task in the preferred app language, if available in the task. If it is not available, it will run the task in the Workflow Language.
Note: The added translations are also exported along with the workflow and can be used again.
Settings gives users options to configure the Editor, Pin content, keyboard hotkeys, and text-to-speech.