Frontline Command Center



Frontline Creator

  • Added: Ability to record videos without audio in the Documentation component
  • Fixed: Issue where the transition expressions were invalid and caused the user to be stuck
  • Fixed: Issue where the templates could not be created while using SQL Server or Postgres
  • Fixed: Issue where the recorded media using the Documentation voice command from a custom component could not be uploaded
  • Fixed: Issue where the Czech translations were not working

Spatial Editor 

  • Fixed: Issue where some parts of a 3D model did not appear on the Scene when specific files with .jt format were imported

Spatial Workplace for Desktop

  • Fixed: Issue where the language and UI layout settings were not saved

Frontline Workplace for Android Smart Glasses

  • Added: Ability to report errors through the in-app settings menu
  • Fixed: Issue where the Device Flow sign-in was not functioning
  • Fixed: Issue where custom component with v3 Speech handler crashed the application if the user did not record any comment within 15 seconds